

Sleepless night

I ought to be sleeping at this hour but heck went to bed half an hour ago but couldn't sleep at all, and i thought i'm gonna correct my screwed up routine to wake up on more sensible hours in the morning. My plan failed miserably since it is already 4AM in the morning! Yet what am i doing online blogging? My worries of pimples and zits popping out continue. As i'm typing this now, i can even feel them forcing their way our of my skin, tearing the membrane and wanting to go 'pop'.

It is raining kinda heavily now, darn cold. It's so cold that it affects my breathing, it is not enough that i have a sore throat and gums pain(growing a wisdom tooth...again), now i can't breathe properly. So since i can't sleep anyway, got up and gave myself a dose of asthalin hoping that the attack won't come in these few days as i have got to really enjoy the last few moments of my free time before i'm back in kl. Despite the heavy rain, it is not to be blamed, serve me right for eating too much ice-cream and drinking 100plus. Don't know what has gotten over my mom's head, she bought cartons of 100plus and i mean it when i use the word cartonS.

This blog is really new..such a lazy ass to add things to it, maybe the reason i am not granted sleep tonight is to add more colours to my blog....don't bother lah, i wanna sleep! but when i lie there, i can't fall asleep. ahhh my time is so fucked up, the evil of holidays!


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