

the existence

In our mother's womb, we stayed close and anticipated for the moment for us to be exposed to this world. Being a baby, we were incapable of doing anything else except shedding some tears and scream our lungs out. We were, of course, spoon-fed, there is no need for us to torture our uncontaminated brains to work out anything beyond our young understanding. Several years later, we learnt to demand our wants and needs more effectively, of course that must include sulking, screaming, yelling and crying. But even so, all decisions and especially important ones are to be made by our parents or people older than us.

We find little things troublesome, frustrating, fun, upsetting, astonishing, startling, shocking, surprising, confusing and everything else, what we never did realise then was how little the matter may seem when we grow up. At the age of 8, a pencil gone missing in the classroom might be seen as a major catastrophic event; informing the teacher, suspecting theft, causing anger. What does this mean to an adult? merely nothing at all. lost a pencil? Just replace it with a new one, it won't cost much. Yea, this is what we experience as we grow older. However, everything, every aspect of our life, turns out to be more complexing and complicating as we move on. Matters aren't gonna be just simple problems solvable with little effort. Everytime we make a decision, we gotta be responsible for the consequences. If, unfortunately our judgement had gone wrong in the beginning, who but us must bear the results.

We add new experiences and knowledge to life's database each day as we live. Sometimes, it feels so much easier if we could just stop aging, mentally and physically. I always dream to stay being a child forever, yea laugh at that, just like peter pan and friends in neverland. Well everyone knows that's impossible. Reality strikes us hard in the face, it wouldn't allow time for fantasy. Too bad time is zooming pass so damn fast. I'm already feeling old at this age. Before i knew it, i might even be 40 and still blogging on the same link. Issit just me or is the earth rotating faster and revolving the sun quicker than before?


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